The Limits of Factor Model Spanning working paper, with Fahiz Baba-Yara and Carter David [PDF]
Private Equity Indices Based on Secondary Market Transactions, 2023, Journal of Finance, 78, 835-885, with Taylor Nadauld, Keith Vorkink, and Michael Weisbach, winner of 2022 Q-Group Jack Treynor Prize. [PDF][Index Data]
Stock Options as Lotteries, 2014, Journal of Finance, 69, 1485-1528, with Keith Vorkink. [PDF][Appendix]
Expected Idiosyncratic Skewness, 2010, Review of Financial Studies, 23, 169-202, with Todd Mitton and Keith Vorkink. [PDF] [Data]
Investor Flows and Stock Market Returns, 2009, Journal of Empirical Finance, 16, 87-100, with Lu Zheng. [PDF]
How do Crises Spread? Evidence from Accessible and Inaccessible Stock Indices, 2006, Journal of Finance, 61, 957-1003, with Tomomi Kumagai and Kathy Yuan. [PDF]
Before graduate school:
A Comparison of Partially Adaptive and Reweighted Least Squares Estimation, 2003, Econometric Reviews, 22, 115-134, with James McDonald and Whitney Newey. [PDF]
Evaluating Forecasts of Correlation Using Option Pricing, 1998, Journal of Derivatives, 6, 18-38, with Michael Gibson. [PDF]
Pitfalls in Tests for Changing Correlations, 1997, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System International Finance Discussion Papers, 597, with Michael Gibson and Mico Loretan. [PDF]